What Should You Know Before Your First Braces Appointment? – WORLD GLOBAL NEWS
In the video, you will find some tips for preparing to go in for braces appointments.
Make Your Teeth Clean
Have your teeth professionally cleaned prior to getting braces.
Keep Lip Balm on Hand
Use lip balm and carry it around when your lips start to dry as you put the braces on.
Orthodontic wax
Braces rub against the inner of your mouth. Hence, applying orthodontic wax to areas that are sore can ease the pain.
Diet Adjustments
There are certain food items that you can’t eat while wearing braces. Your orthodontist will provide the following complete list.
When you get braces, there may be some discomfort or pressure. You can take pain relief medications prior to your appointment. You can eat prior to your appointment.
Temporary Speech Modifications
When you get braces the speech of your child may alter. This is temporary.
Oral Hygiene
The process of cleaning teeth using braces is harder, but oral hygiene must be maintained consistently to avoid stains.
More appointments
Braces will be adjusted regularly.
These steps will help to prepare for the appointment for braces as well as the procedure that will follow.